Store Closing 9/25/24 Store Closing 9/25/24

    Meet SitSpots®

    Washable, Durable and Simply Life-Changing

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    We help your students know where to go

    by providing visual cues for sitting, standing, & Lines

    Sitspots are :

    washable & reusable glue & adhesive free safely vacuumed over

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    SitSpots firmly attach to loop pile carpets

    look for small loops that are visible on the surface of the carpet

    Won't work on hard floors or school supply store area rugs

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    SitSpots firmly attach to loop pile carpets

    Wii not work on hard surfaces

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    Simple and easy to use

    can be safely vacuumed over without shifting, lifting, or peeling

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    Come join the fun,

    order your SitSpots today!

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      SitSpots Store Closing 9/25/24 ⭐️

      SitSpots Store Closing 9/25/24 🧩

      SitSpots Store Closing 9/25/24 ⭐️

      SitSpots Store Closing 9/25/24 🧩


      Customer Reviews

      "I LOVE my sit spots. I originally wanted one of those fancy spot rugs but couldn't bring myself to spend $500+. This summer I purchased an inexpensive large rug and a set of sit spots. It has worked so perfectly - even better than the rug I thought I wanted. This way I can move the dots around, add dots when students move in, space them out appropriately... SitSpots have been a lifesaver and I am so thankful I found this solution"

      - Courtney - Bathurst, NB, Canada

      Customer Reviews

      Thanks for the reminder! Didn't use last year because #covid but the year prior I tried to save money with Amazon off brand and they sucked and frustrated me't waste your money go with @sitspots or nothing!

      - Lynn Brown-Delaware

      Customer Reviews

      "I just have to tell you that you have been my very best discovery this school year. Your spots are EXACTLY what I have been looking for, and I've placed 2 additional orders since my original one! Your customer service has also been excellent; I got my products within just a couple of days. Thanks for being so efficient and for providing teachers with something this is useful, colorful, and durable."

      - Helen E. - Mahtomedi, MN

      Customer Reviews

      "Being a kindergarten teacher, your SitSpots have helped tremendously as we line up several times a day and for the first time ever, my young students can put themselves in abc order by names already! Thank you for creating such a wonderful product! They have made a great impact on my organization and they are a sure time-saver!"

      - Lori H. - Portland, OR

      Customer Reviews

      "I heard about your company on a blog I follow and I ordered some for my 1st grade special education students. The teacher I worked with loved them so much she ordered another set for her room and now 4 more teachers at our school have ordered them. They are so wonderful! We love them!"

      - Elizabeth S. - Glenview, IL

      Customer Reviews

      "I just wanted to share how WONDERFUL your SitSpots are!!! I used duct tape last year but didn't want to do that this year. I have assigned seats on the carpet but without the spots my kinders would drift. I love how straight their rows are now! They know where to sit and a bonus is that since I have four rows of four different colors I dismiss my students from the carpet by their color row.
      Such a great product!"

      - Tracy G. - Sugarland, TX

      Customer Reviews

      "SitSpots are the original and anytime a copycat company reaches out to work together, I always decline."

      - Kristen - Easy Teaching Tools

      Customer Reviews

      "It's Joyce and her SitSpots or nothing for me"

      - Katie Knight - Teacher To The Core

      Customer Reviews

      "They are awesome. I had them in my classroom for a year. They went on easily, came off easily and the carpet looked exactly as it had before they went on there!"

      - Mary V

      Customer Reviews

      "I LOVE my SitSpots! They worked great as seating spots with my K-5 music classes! It's my second year with them and they are still in great shape despite being used daily with my 600+ students!"

      - Rachel H

      Customer Reviews

      "Third year with my current spots, and used by 500+ students daily."

      - Emily J

      Customer Reviews

      "I use my SitSpots in my classroom for sitting with my K-5 music classes (over 800 students). I've used SitSpots for a couple of years now - thank you Mick B for telling me about them!"

      - Aimee S

      Customer Reviews

      "I love my sitspots! Going on 3 years and they're still like new and get used everyday and walked over. I've take them up and thrown them in the washing machine a couple times too"

      - Jenny C

      Customer Reviews

      "Sit Spots are the BEST and so worth the extra costs. I was talked into buying two other cheaper alternatives... that don't hold up as well."

      - Meenal P

      Customer Reviews

      "They are seriously one of the best investments I have made. My classroom rug is all one color. The sit spots give kids their own space. I told the custodian to let me know if they were a problem when he vacuums. He said that they don't move, even with the industrial vacuum. I do have some kids that pull them up to move closer to someone else, but once in a while I readjust them and have the kids jump and stomp on them to make sure they stay down good. Really, it is just a way for me to have them get their wiggles out."

      - Stacy S

      Customer Reviews

      "Goodby frustrating state rug that we can't fit on and hellooooooo SIT SPOTS! Can't wait for the kids to come back from a fall break to use these"

      - Mrs. B

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